FVE: Vizija dr. R. Laguensa za Svetovno veterinarsko združenje

22. 4. 2020
FVE: Vizija dr. R. Laguensa za Svetovno veterinarsko združenje


Posredujemo vam obvestilo FVE z dne, 21. aprila 2020. V njej predstavljajo vizijo enega od predsednikov Sveta Svetovne veterinarske organizacije dr. Rafaela Laguensa. Svetovni Svet veterinarskih združenj (WVA) je namreč v letošnjem letu začel svoj dvoletni mandat pod vodstvom nove predsednice WVA dr. Patricia Turner.

Vabljeniji k branju novice.

Pazite nase in ostanite zdravi.

Prijazen pozdrav,

Uprava VZbSi


WVA Council to lead the global veterinary profession

The World Veterinary Association (WVA) Council has started its 2-year mandate under the leadership of the new WVA President Dr. Patricia Turner.

Dr. Rafael Laguens, FVE Past President and FVE delegate from the Spanish Consejo for many years, has been elected as President-elect along with Maaike Van Den Berg and Ólafur Oddgeirsson, councillors for Europe.

As FVE, we are extremely proud of having Dr. Rafael Laguens and our European Councillors elected and we wish them all the best leading the global veterinary profession.

In this newsmail, we present Rafael' vision for the veterinary profession at global level. In the next newsmail, our two European Councillors will present their vision.

Vision by Dr. Rafael Laguens